1. Chua SY et al. Age of Onset of Myopia Predicts Risk of High Myopia in Later Childhood in Myopic Singapore Children. Opthal Physiol Opt 2016;36:388-94.
2. Rudnicka AR, Kapetanakis VV, Wathern AK, et al Global variations and time trends in the prevalence of childhood myopia, a systematic review and quantitative meta-analysis: implications for aetiology and early prevention. Br J Ophthalmol. 2016 Jul;100(7):882-890
3. Tedja MS et al. IMI - Myopia Genetics Report. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2019;60:M89-M105.
4. Huang et al. The Association between Near Work Activities and Myopia in Children: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. PLoS One 2015;10:e0140419.
5. Wen L et al. Objectively measured near work, outdoor exposure and myopia in children. British Journal of Ophthalmology Published Online First: 19 February 2020. doi: 10.1136/bjophthalmol-2019-315258.
6. French AN, Ashby RS, Morgan IG, Rose KA. Time Outdoors and the Prevention of Myopia. Experimental eye research 2013;114:58-68.
7. Bullimore MA, Brennan NA. Myopia Control: Why Each Diopter Matters. Optom Vis Sci 2019;96:463-5.
2. Rudnicka AR, Kapetanakis VV, Wathern AK, et al Global variations and time trends in the prevalence of childhood myopia, a systematic review and quantitative meta-analysis: implications for aetiology and early prevention. Br J Ophthalmol. 2016 Jul;100(7):882-890
3. Tedja MS et al. IMI - Myopia Genetics Report. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2019;60:M89-M105.
4. Huang et al. The Association between Near Work Activities and Myopia in Children: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. PLoS One 2015;10:e0140419.
5. Wen L et al. Objectively measured near work, outdoor exposure and myopia in children. British Journal of Ophthalmology Published Online First: 19 February 2020. doi: 10.1136/bjophthalmol-2019-315258.
6. French AN, Ashby RS, Morgan IG, Rose KA. Time Outdoors and the Prevention of Myopia. Experimental eye research 2013;114:58-68.
7. Bullimore MA, Brennan NA. Myopia Control: Why Each Diopter Matters. Optom Vis Sci 2019;96:463-5.
根據此評估,孩子發展為近視的可能性為:後續措施:強烈建議從很小的時候就開始對兒童的眼睛健康進行測量和監控。兒童近視度數每減小 -1.00D 或 100度,他們患視網膜疾病的機率就會降低 40%。7 要最大限度地減緩兒童近視的發展,務必盡早採取行動。與您孩子的眼科護理專業人員討論您孩子的近視管理方案和治療方法並諮詢其意見。