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In the past, myopia has been viewed as a minor inconvenience that could be addressed through vision correction. But over the last several decades, our understanding of myopia has changed, and it is now considered to be a progressive disease requiring early intervention to avoid sight-threatening complications later in life.


Asian teenage girl, jumping rope.


Symbol of one hand holding another, depicting the partnership Johnson & Johnson Vision offers eye care professionals.


Weā€™ve created this website to encourage you to adopt a new approach to myopia management in your clinical practice, with a particular emphasis on treating your pediatric patients. But weā€™ve gone further than that, with a robust library of resources that provides you with the most up-to-date research on myopia, tools for managing your practice, marketing materials, and more.Once youā€™ve signed up, our team will be in touch with you to discuss and provide more support for you on myopia management practice. You will also receive updates via email as new information, research and treatments become available.
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Managing Myopia in Children into Early Adulthood: Quick Guidelines

This one-page checklist covers basic eye-exam components, identifying children with myopia, myopia-control consultation, treatment, and monitoring.
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This one-page checklist covers basic eye-exam components, identifying children with myopia, myopia-control consultation, treatment, and monitoring.
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Managing Myopia: A Clinical Response to the Global Epidemic

A printable brochure containing most of the information on this website.
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A printable brochure containing most of the information on this website.
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Why Every Myopic Child Needs to be Treated

A brief but essential article detailing the urgency of treating child myopes by Dr. Noel Brennan, Clinical Research Fellow at Johnson & Johnson Vision and a former recipient of a Senior Fulbright Scholarship from Stanford University. This article originally appeared in the Review of Myopia Management.
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A brief but essential article detailing the urgency of treating child myopes by Dr. Noel Brennan, Clinical Research Fellow at Johnson & Johnson Vision and a former recipient of a Senior Fulbright Scholarship from Stanford University. This article originally appeared in the Review of Myopia Management.
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Efficacy in Myopia Control

Soon to be published in Progress and Retinal Eye Research, this comprehensive article is an in-depth review and analysis of the concept of efficacy in myopia control. Funded by Johnson & Johnson Vision, it draws on accumulated information available in the scientific literature as well as our own studies to assess the efficacy of interventions to slow progression and explore resultant implications.
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Soon to be published in Progress and Retinal Eye Research, this comprehensive article is an in-depth review and analysis of the concept of efficacy in myopia control. Funded by Johnson & Johnson Vision, it draws on accumulated information available in the scientific literature as well as our own studies to assess the efficacy of interventions to slow progression and explore resultant implications.
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